
 Standard prices will cover
 1. Construction of mutagenesis strategy
 2. Design and synthesis of oligos
 3. Mutagenesis of a target gene
 4. Sequence verification to confirm the mutation (Free up to 1.0 kb encompassing the target mutation)
 5. Shipping mini-prep purified plasmid, DNA sequencing data, alignment result, and report.

♠ For full-length DNA sequencing, there will be a $25 charge per extra 1 kb sequencing for primer synthesis, plasmid preparation, sequencing, and data analysis for at least three colonies.

♠ For constructs larger than 10.0 kb, we charge an additional manipulation fee of $50 per mutant construct.
  ($50 for a construct 10 kb – 15 kb, $120 for 15kb – 20 kb, $180 for a construct bigger than 20kb)

♠ For subcloning of a mutant gene from an original vector into other vector customer requests, we charge $180 per subcloning  (Only for a combined order with mutagenesis). 

♠ The delivery time may vary depending on the mutagenesis project according to the complexity of the experiment and the efficiency of mutagenesis.


Our basic service starts at $259 for mutagenesis in 18-bp sequence in a construct smaller than 10 kb.
QuantitySubstitution in 18 bp19 ~ 36 bp 37 ~ 54 bp> 54 bp
1 ~ 5$259.00$360.00$450.00contact us
6 ~ 10 (5% off)$246.05$342.00 $427.50 contact us
> 10 (10% off)$233.10 $324.00 $405.00 contact us
Turnaround time 12 business days12 business days15 business daysDependent on project



Our basic service starts at $259 for the insertion of 18-bp sequence in a construct smaller than 10 kb.
QuantityInsertion of 18 bp19 ~ 36 bp 37 ~ 54 bp> 54 bp
1 ~ 5$259.00$360.00$450.00contact us
6 ~ 10 (5% off)$246.05$342.00 $427.50 contact us
> 10 (10% off)$233.10 $324.00 $405.00 contact us
Turnaround time 12 business days12 business days15 business daysDependent on project



Any short or long target sequence can be deleted from your gene by single-round mutagenesis.
Our basic service starts at $259 per mutant construct (vector + mutant gene) smaller than 10 kb.

 $259.00 per construct for 1 ~ 5 order.
 $246.05 (5% off) for 6-10 order.
 $233.10 (10% off) for > 10 order.
Turnaround time : 10 ~ 12 business days



Mutagenex can generate chimeric genes from several gene fragments provided by customers regardless of the length of segments and the fusion sites. Our basic service starts at $380 per chimeragenesis for a final chimera smaller than 3 kb (plasmid < 10 kb) by fusion of two fragments (a single fusion site).

♠ The price will be determined depending on the fusion (recombination) number.
♠ To submit your chimeragenesis project, please contact us or request a quotation.

QuantitySingle fusion (2 fragments)Double fusion (3 fragments)Triple fusion (4 fragments)More fusion
1 ~ 5$380.00$490.00$590.00contact us
6 ~ 10 (5% off)$361.00$465.50 $560.50 contact us
> 10 (10% off)$342.00 $441.00 $531.00 contact us
Turnaround time 12 business days15 business days15 - 20 business daysDependent on project

Example of chimeras

 Chimera example


Multiple-site mutagenesis

 Our basic service starts at $380 for double-site mutagenesis in each 18-bp sequence in a construct smaller than 10 kb.

QuantityTwo separate sitesThree sitesFour sitesMore sites
1 ~ 5$380.00$490.00$590.00contact us
6 ~ 10 (5% off)$361.00$465.50 $560.50 contact us
> 10 (10% off)$342.00 $441.00 $531.00 contact us
Turnaround time 12 business days15 business days15 - 20 business daysDependent on project

Gene subcloning & synthesis

PCR subcloning of gene insert (< 3.0 kb)    
    – $280 per construct for regular PCR subcloning.
    – $350 per construct for subcloning with additional tagging sequences.
Service will include free DNA sequencing of whole gene insert up to 3 kb size.

For subcloning of large gene fragment (>3 kb) or production of a large construct (>10 kb), we will charge
    – Extra manipulation fee: $50 per construct or more depending on gene or construct sizes.
    – Sequencing fee: $25 per extra 800 bp sequencing for at least five selected colonies.

For standard gene synthsis, 
    – Basic charge $180 for gene upto 500 bp
    – $0.38 /bp for gene >500 bp
    – $90 for subcloning of synthetic DNA in a conventional cloning vector (pUC19, etc)
    – For subclonig of synthetic DNA in a customer’s vector, $180 will be charged .


Random mutagenesis or customized vector construction

Please contact us for detail price information.